What We Do

We collect certain information from you such as your full name, date of birth, current address & PPS Number, details of your employer – Company name, address & the years you worked in that employment. We will also need details of the address you lived at while working for the relevant company, any supporting documentation in relation to the scheme such as statements will also be useful, similar information for lost non-company/personal pensions is also required.

This information will allow us to investigate whether or not you have a previous pension, we will also require your written authorisation and proof of identity, this will allow us to contact pension providers on your behalf. This authority is required as pension providers will not provide information to a third party without authority. We then contact the relevant pension providers to locate your lost pensions, once we have located your pensions, we review the information and prepare and send a personal report for you, we will then contact you to arrange an appointment to discuss your personal report and explain the options available to you for these pension plans.