Find Your Lost Irish Pension Plans
Have you moved jobs, changed address or taken redundancy before? Do you think you have a pension plan that you cannot find information on? In Ireland there are € billions sitting in Company and Personal pensions, forgotten by their policy owners.
Findmypensions.ie is here to help you locate your lost pensions and then offer advice on the options available to you.
Findmypensions.ie is a simple one-stop solution that will quickly search for, identify and value any lost pension(s) you might have and forward you the information in a simple report outlining what you can do with those pensions.
How do people lose pensions?
The most common reasons for losing track of pensions are:
- Changing jobs
- Moving house
- Changing you name
- Emigrating and then returning a few years later
- Losing Paperwork
- Scheme transferred to a different company or provider
With over 20 years experience of finding pensions for people, we understand that it can be easy to lose track of your pensions but now finding them again couldn’t be easier with Findmypensions.ie , We will find your pensions for you.
We have a simple 3 step process
Step 1: Find Your Pension
We will contact, pension providers, trustees, previous employers to ensure that if there are benefits there, we will find them.
Your allocated pension tracing specialist will do everything possible to ensure that we trace your missing pension. There has been considerable consolidation of Pension Providers since 2000 and your pension provider may have no idea how to contact you. For example Norwich Union, CGU and Hibernian and now all part of Aviva Life and Pensions.
Based on the information that you provide us with we will endeavour to find any existing pensions that you may have.
Did you know?
We have tracked down over €10 million in pension funds since 2016
Step 2: Review Your Pension
How are your old pensions performing?
Our qualified pension specialists will assist you throughout the Findmypensions.ie process. Once we have found and collated your pension information, your dedicated specialist can start your pension review.
What does a review entail?
As part of our review, we look at the following on every pension to ensure that you are aware of what your pension means to you and what you can do with it when the time comes. We look at:
- Pension Valuation (actual and projected)
- Retirement Options (these can vary depending on the type of pension you have)
- Guaranteed benefits if any
- Annual Management Charges and other fees
- Previous Fund Performance
- Penalties or Market Value Adjustments that may apply to your pension.
Talk to your pension specialist
When our investigations are complete, we’ll contact you to arrange a consultation with our advisers to go through the information we have collected about your pensions and how the modern market compares to your existing pension.
Depending on Covid 19 restrictions we offer a range of consultations from Face to Face, Zoom, MS Teams, Bluejeans or By Phone. If there is a particular video conferencing system not listed above that you would like to use, please let us know.
Step 3: Improve Your Pension
What are your pension options?
If you wish, we can look at your pension options, maybe you are looking at retiring earlier than originally planned, maybe you have more than one plan that you wish to consolidate into one option or are looking for a more appropriate or cost-efficient contract. Our experts can research the market and see if there is a more appropriate option available. find a better pension for 7 out of every 10 people they speak to.
Our experts will talk to you about your pension in a clear, easy to understand way and explain your potential options.
Benefits of a review?
- If there is not a better option you can be happy with your existing pension and have details of it to hand when you chose to retire.
- You can see what your options and choices are available
- You are better prepared for retirement ‘forewarned is forearmed’
Why don’t I do this myself?
Tracing pensions can be time consuming, exhausting and very frustrating. If you have little or no detail, you may have to individually write to over a dozen providers. We can take the hard work out of this for you and see what’s out there.